What is a Good Natural Leather Cleaner?
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- Category: Homemade Cleaning Products

For the cleaning of leather furniture, vinegar and olive oil offer many choices. Dab vinegar directly over soiled areas, dry it off; then add a dab of olive oil to a soft cloth to help keep the material soft and supple and buff the leather with it. By mixing equal portions of vinegar and olive oil in a tub, whip up an all-round leather cleaner and whisk them together to blend them together. Dip the mixture with a simple paper towel or soft cloth and then rub it all over the leather. With a fresh paper towel or rag, wipe the furniture down again to remove excess oil.
As Basic as Water and Soap
For leather furniture, a gentle hand or dish soap acts as a general cleaner. In a bowl of warm water, mixed together, a squirt or two of soap cleans away the essential dirt and dust. To remove loose dirt, clean the furniture first; then dip a soft white cloth into the soapy water, wringing out much of the water so that the cloth is moist. This way, rub all the leather down, then wipe it with a damp white soap-free cloth again. Immediately afterwards, buff it dry with another white, fluffy fabric. Use a drop or two of the gentle soap directly onto the damp cloth for a deeply soiled area; then rub the soapy cloth over the stain. Use a damp cloth to clean the leather again; then buff dry.
Solution from Stain-Busting
Right out of the medicine box, rubbing alcohol extracts all kinds of stains from leather furniture. On a damp white cloth, spritz a little rubbing alcohol and blot over mildew to prevent mildew stains. To dab away the dye, add alcohol to a cotton ball. Do not rub ink stains, as the ink can spread—just blot and dab, until the ink is gone, using a fresh area of the cotton ball. To ensure that alcohol is compatible with the leather finish, first test alcohol on an inconspicuous region of the leather.
Hot Cleaning Facilities
A lasting mess on the furniture should not be produced by chewing gum, candle wax or chewy substances such as taffy. In a zippered sandwich bag, put some ice cubes and rest the bag over the problem area for a few minutes. With your finger or the bowl of a plastic spoon, pick away the hardened material; it should pry right up. Reapply the ice bag as many times as needed to remove the problem completely.
How Do You Make Bag Strings Replace To Plastic?
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- Category: Homemade Cleaning Products
String Bag
What you need:

18-20 wooden garments pegs for a 9" loop (you may require a couple of extra in the event that they split while setting them on the circle)
Hemp, material, or cotton twine or string (approximately 120 yds.)
12-inches cotton line/calfskin tie (discretionary)
Place the garments pegs onto the edge of the weaving outline. Spot the pegs approximately one inch separated, and push down solidly ensuring each peg fits firmly.
To start, place a 20-inch last part of the string through the focal point of your edge. (This will be long on the grounds that it will be the handle of your pack.) Wrap the string (from the ball) twice around one of the pegs clockwise. You can wrap the last part of the string around the base of a peg so it doesn't impede you.
You will at that point ignore the base circle the top circle and off the peg. Rehash to the following peg to one side, circling twice and ignoring the base circle the top and off the peg. Rehash for the rest of the pegs until you are back to the primary pin with a solitary circle on it.
To start weaving, you won't circle the string around the peg. Rather, just acquire the string front of the peg with one circle underneath it.
Pass the base circle over the top string and off the peg. Rehash this strategy on all the pegs, turning the loom to one side. You should circumvent the circle commonly to shape the pack. The fiber will extend altogether once off the loom. Weave in the round for 4-6 inches relying upon the size you need your sack. The pack will extend altogether once off the casing.
Once you arrive at your ideal length, you will start to push off. Cast off beginning a similar peg that you started weaving (where you can discover the last part). Cut the string, leaving a 12-inch tail.
Carefully slip the principal circle off the pin and pass the last part through the circle. Rehash for all the circles and pegs.
Pull the last part to secure the base of the sack together. Tie a couple of secure bunches through the contiguous circles and mesh the last part into the pack.
To make a handle, utilize the last part of the string toward the beginning of the pack. Associate it to the contrary side of the sack, weaving it through an accessible circle (or two). Bring the last part back over to where it began and secure a bunch.
If you incline toward a more extensive handle you can utilize additional string to tie a lash onto either side of the pack.
Shape your bag and use it to package small gifts and treasures.
How to create your own cosmetology school?
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- Category: Home improvement tips

Handmade business and seo help
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- Category: Home improvement tips

Bathroom Remodeling Methods
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- Category: Home improvement tips

Why Buy Handmade?
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- Category: Unique handmade accessories.
In this global economy everyone is quite aware that when we shop at most online chain stores, we are in many cases, spending our American dollars overseas. We usually choose to visit chain stores to find high quality at lower prices, but even in high end stores, a quick label inspection might reveal the overseas origins of a $450 purse.
The reality is that when American dollars are spent at stores that support foreign manufacturing, the money goes out of our economy and never comes back. This easily results in lower wages and layoffs for American workers, and some of them could easily be part of your family or a neighbor down the street.
Today the quality of manufactured items is at an all-time low, but because of the supposed affordability, we are somehow forced to buy them, not realizing that we have other choices. Handmade products are generally far better in more ways than one, and they should be sought out whenever possible. Consider these reasons to buy handmade items, and discover why handcrafted goods are almost always better than anything made by machine.
Go Ahead, Create Your Own.
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- Category: Unique handmade accessories.
When we began making bags ourselves at Zaum, we wanted to make something truly different, use more colors, add more functionality, and most of all, create something absolutely unique and somehow unrepeatable.
This of course was not an easy task, but we decided to forge ahead and concentrate our efforts in the making of a truly unique product and possibly give our customers the ability to somehow design their own bags by themselves, using their own taste and inspirations, and proudly parade them around anywhere they go with gusto.
Our custom made Laptop bag, although equal in dimension to the ones you will find in our store, are very highly customizable, using diverse fabrics and materials, making each bag truly unique to the customer. Each bag gets all the...
What's in your Wallet?
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- Category: Unique handmade accessories.

We believe that almost every woman is a fashionista at heart, and with one glance will spot what every other woman carries with her, be it her clothes, shoes, purse, and of course...
Sure everyone needs a wallet, but why do we almost always end up choosing a boring one? Women tend to carry a large variety of things along with them, and they almost always go for a wallet that has enough room to accommodate the things we have, and might have in the future.
What is Style DNA?
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- Category: Unique handmade accessories.
We often hear about our DNA, and about how those unique molecule structures shape our own personality in so many different ways. Here at Zaum we know everyone is different, and we love to embrace such diversity when fashion and everyday wearing come to play.
We recently received a few orders for two highly customized bags and we were immediately surprised by the choice of color and patterns that were associated with those requests. During the production we ended up loving those choices and the freedom of expression that such choices really end up giving out.
The first order was a laptop bag that involved mixing very different materials together and ended up creating a stunning combination of colors, feel to the touch, and pattern integration. We ended up loving this bag so much that we promised ourselves to produce a few more, and even accentuate the integration of very diverse materials in the upcoming future.
The other was an order for a beach bag that could happily combine two opposite styles of patterns. The combination of heavy linear chevron and vintage toile really created a totally unexpected outcome, giving the bag...
Men with bags. Think different.
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- Category: Unique handmade accessories.
From the pages of many recent fashion magazines it is becoming clear that men’s bags are experiencing a design evolution and finally losing their stigma as sitcom fodder.
We initially became aware of this transformation when we started planning a laptop bag that could fit the whole Apple Macbook product line, and includes a protective sleeve that can also be used separately.
We sketched out the Portabile Laptop Bag in response to the numerous mass produced bags that began to show up in the market few years back. Those models were well designed and well thought out, but missed the point of being as unique as the people that use a macbook everyday for their creative work and their leisurely moments.
When we fist put together the initial prototype we were taking inspiration from the brilliant campaign Apple and Chiat Day produced together in 1997 with the direct involvement of Steve Jobs himself.
We wanted a product that would be able to not just carry a laptop with ease anywhere, but also would help its owner to make the same bold statement the campaign was making then.